Why you should set a 5-year ultramarathon training plan

This month Hannah Walsh Coaching turned 3 years old and what a rollercoaster of a ride it’s been. What started as a passion project during the pandemic became my full time job at the start of 2022. And during those last three years almost 50 women have trusted me to be in their corner, so if you are one of those few I am truly grateful and feel very privileged to be your biggest cheerleader.

Coaching with me has always been so much more than just a training plan, honestly that’s the easy part. And in the last 12-months there have been some changes around here. This year we held our inaugural Breaking 250 retreat at the stunning Heaning Estate inside The Lake District National Park. I’ve also been honored to be a part of the official crew team for some of my long standing athletes, something I'm planning to do more of in 2024.

Register your interest for Breaking 250 Gobi March (Mongolia) 2024 — programme start date Oct 2023

Right now, I'm getting ready to recruit our next cohort of Breaking 250 who will embark on a transformative journey of a lifetime this fall, towards the start line of Gobi March (Mongolia) in June 2024. This is something I've been most proud of creating because I've witnessed first hand just how powerful the role community is in fostering an unwavering sense of confidence in female athletes.

But I know for many of you, the reality of an overseas multi-stage ultramarathon is a logistical nightmare in between house renovations, home schooling, work commitments and all of the other plates you are spinning. Not to mention the financial investment you are required to make in terms of securing your race entry fee and purchasing an endless list of mandatory kit you’ll probably never use again. 

That’s why in 2024, I will be rolling out Breaking 250s unique blend of one-to-one coaching and peer supported mentoring to some of the most iconic ultramarathons around the world. Starting with the UK’s legendary Montane Lakeland 50 & 100 for the 2024 event in July. The group will be open to both 50 and 100 mile entrants and we’ll kick off in fall 2023, once the ballot has been drawn in September. If you want to be a part of this, you can register your interest here.]

Register your interest for The Montane Lakeland 50 & 100 2024 Training Group — programme start date Nov 2023

And in the next 5-years I've got some even bigger plans that I can’t wait to share with you. I founded Hannah Walsh Coaching to change the narrative and help level the start line in endurance sports. I want to help get more women like you onto ultramarathon start lines you’ve been dreaming of, so you can finally realise what you’re truly capable of and more.

I’ve been chatting with a few of my athletes recently about playing the long game too, encouraging you to set that big scary pipeline dream three, four or even five years from now and working backwards to help make them seem more achievable. These women have big lofty goals, Western States, Tor des Géants and The Spine Race to be exact but each week on TrainingPeaks they are committed to the process. And I know you are too.

So, my reminder for you today is keep showing up. Keep putting in the work. That is how you play the long game.

Here are five reasons why you should set a 5-year ultramarathon training plan

  1. Entries into future race lotteries such as UTMB, Western States, Tour des Geants etc

  2. Shifts the focus from just the results to finding joy in the process

  3. Reduces your chances of getting injured or falling into the trap of stressed and burnt out

  4. Drops the weight of perfectionism, embrace where you are and how far you’ve come

  5. Accepting failure is part of the long and windy road to ultramarathon success


How to write a multi-stage ultra marathon training plan


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