6 Ultramarathon Coaches for Women

It’s that time of year again when many people are looking to work with a coach. So let’s get this straight, you don’t have to be a pro runner to work with a coach, many of the female athletes on my coaching roster for 2024 never worked with a coach before.

Equally, it doesn’t matter how beginner or experienced you think you are. If you don’t consider yourself to be a very fast runner or if your ultimate goal is to do something like the Spine Race but you’re looking to walk instead of run.

No goal is too small and no dream is too big, you deserve to be supported no matter what step or stage you are in your ultramarathon journey.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, defeated or lacking focus in your training right now, this might be a sign that you should reach out to a potential coach.

6 Ultramarathon Coaches for women who can help you reach your goals in 2024

  1. She Runs Outdoors - Rachel Murphy

  2. Ultra Awesome - Allie Bailey

  3. Mountain Strong - Maggie May Dempsey

  4. Hannah Walsh Coaching - Hannah Walsh

  5. Centurion Running - Edwina Sutton

  6. Ultra Coach - Elisabet Barnes

With so many coaches out there right now, it can be hard to find the right one for you. You might be thinking, about where to find an ultramarathon coach, what makes a good ultramarathon coach and why you should get one in the first place.

One of the things I hear the most when I am doing a discovery call and speaking to a prospective athlete is "I don't know what I should ask!" And I get it! So let me give you some ideas of what to ask your potential coach to see if they are the right fit for you.

10 questions to ask a prospective ultramarathon coach during your consultation

  1. How many athletes do you coach?

  2. How much time do you spend coaching?

  3. What does communication look like when working with you?

  4. What expectations do you have for your athletes?

  5. How often will we talk or be in contact?

  6. How often and how will I receive feedback?

  7. How do we communicate (WhatsApp/email/Zoom etc)?

  8. How do you prescribe my training?

  9. Do you offer additional support in areas like strength training or nutrition?

  10. What are you doing to invest in yourself as a coach?

Since running my first ultramarathon in 2014, I've had my fair share of ultramarathon coaches and I can hand on heart say I've had some pretty disappointing experiences with people I really respected in the industry. Coaches I put my trust in but what felt like I was just another number on their overcrowded roster and coaches who made me feel belittled for being a mid-packer female athlete on a roster filled with podium finishes from their egotistical male athletes.

Choosing the right coach for you is not a decision you make lightly. I know what it feels like to put your most valuable resource in the hands of someone else and trust that they know what they are doing. Many of my athletes are crunched for time, they don’t have the luxury of training for four hours a day and spending the rest of the day on the sofa binge-watching Netflix. And neither do I. Even ultramarathon coaches need coaches.


Book a discovery call to learn more!

Have questions about coaching? Not sure it’s right for you? Want to know whether we will be a good fit?

If you’re thinking about coaching, the next best step is to book a free 30-minute Zoom call with me to chat more about you, your goals and ask your questions.

Use the scheduler below to book your slot. Remember to check your time is correct. Cancellation notice is 24-hours.


10 Best Ultramarathons in the Lake District in 2024


The One Ultramarathon on My Race Calendar in 2024